ChibiOS/HAL  6.1.0
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CADCConfigDriver configuration structure
 CADCConversionGroupConversion group configuration structure
 CADCDriverStructure representing an ADC driver
 CBaseAccelerometerBase accelerometer class
 CBaseAccelerometerVMTBaseAccelerometer virtual methods table
 CBaseAsynchronousChannelBase asynchronous channel class
 CBaseAsynchronousChannelVMTBaseAsynchronousChannel virtual methods table
 CBaseBarometerBase barometer class
 CBaseBarometerVMTBaseBarometer virtual methods table
 CBaseBlockDeviceBase block device class
 CBaseBlockDeviceVMTBaseBlockDevice virtual methods table
 CBaseChannelBase channel class
 CBaseChannelVMTBaseChannel virtual methods table
 CBaseCompassBase compass class
 CBaseCompassVMTBaseCompass virtual methods table
 CBaseFlashBase flash class
 CBaseFlashVMTBaseFlash virtual methods table
 CBaseGyroscopeBase gyroscope class
 CBaseGyroscopeVMTBaseGyroscope virtual methods table
 CBaseHygrometerBase hygrometer class
 CBaseHygrometerVMTBaseHygrometer virtual methods table
 CBaseObjectBase stream class
 CBaseObjectVMTBaseObject virtual methods table
 CBaseSensorBase stream class
 CBaseSensorVMTBaseSensor virtual methods table
 CBaseSequentialStreamBase stream class
 CBaseSequentialStreamVMTBaseSequentialStream virtual methods table
 CBaseThermometerBase thermometer class
 CBaseThermometerVMTBaseThermometer virtual methods table
 CBlockDeviceInfoBlock device info
 CCANConfigDriver configuration structure
 CCANDriverStructure representing an CAN driver
 CCANRxFrameCAN received frame
 CCANTxFrameCAN transmission frame
 Ccdc_linecoding_tType of Line Coding structure
 CCRYConfigDriver configuration structure
 CCRYDriverStructure representing an CRY driver
 CDACConfigDriver configuration structure
 CDACConversionGroupDAC Conversion group structure
 CDACDriverStructure representing a DAC driver
 Cevent_sourceEvents source object
 CEXTChannelConfigChannel configuration structure
 CEXTConfigDriver configuration structure
 CEXTDriverStructure representing an EXT driver
 CFileStreamBase file stream class
 CFileStreamVMTFileStream virtual methods table
 Cflash_descriptor_tType of a flash device descriptor
 Cflash_sector_descriptor_tFlash sector descriptor
 CGPTConfigDriver configuration structure
 CGPTDriverStructure representing a GPT driver
 CI2CConfigType of I2C driver configuration structure
 CI2CDriverStructure representing an I2C driver
 CI2SConfigDriver configuration structure
 CI2SDriverStructure representing an I2S driver
 CICUConfigDriver configuration structure
 CICUDriverStructure representing an ICU driver
 Cio_buffers_queueStructure of a generic buffers queue
 Cio_queueGeneric I/O queue structure
 CIOBusI/O bus descriptor
 CJESD215FlashBase flash class
 CJESD215FlashVMTJESD215Flash virtual methods table
 CMACConfigDriver configuration structure
 CMACDriverStructure representing a MAC driver
 CMACReceiveDescriptorStructure representing a receive descriptor
 CMACTransmitDescriptorStructure representing a transmit descriptor
 Cmfs_bank_header_tType of a bank header
 Cmfs_data_header_tType of a data block header
 CMFSConfigType of a MFS configuration structure
 CMFSDriverType of an MFS instance
 CMMCConfigMMC/SD over SPI driver configuration structure
 CMMCDriverStructure representing a MMC/SD over SPI driver
 CMMCDriverVMTMMCDriver virtual methods table
 CMMCSDBlockDeviceMCC/SD block device class
 CMMCSDBlockDeviceVMTMMCSDBlockDevice virtual methods table
 CPALConfigGeneric I/O ports static initializer
 Cpalevent_tType of a PAL event record
 CPWMChannelConfigType of a PWM driver channel configuration structure
 CPWMConfigType of a PWM driver configuration structure
 CPWMDriverStructure representing a PWM driver
 Cqspi_command_tType of a QSPI command descriptor
 CQSPIConfigDriver configuration structure
 CQSPIDriverStructure representing an QSPI driver
 CRTCAlarmType of a structure representing an RTC alarm time stamp
 CRTCDateTimeType of a structure representing an RTC date/time stamp
 CRTCDriverStructure representing an RTC driver
 CRTCDriverVMTRTCDriver virtual methods table
 CSDCConfigDriver configuration structure
 CSDCDriverStructure representing an SDC driver
 CSDCDriverVMTSDCDriver virtual methods table
 CSerialConfigPLATFORM Serial Driver configuration structure
 CSerialDriverFull duplex serial driver class
 CSerialDriverVMTSerialDriver virtual methods table
 CSerialUSBConfigSerial over USB Driver configuration structure
 CSerialUSBDriverFull duplex serial driver class
 CSerialUSBDriverVMTSerialDriver virtual methods table
 CSHA1ContextType of a SHA1 context
 CSHA256ContextType of a SHA256 context
 CSHA512ContextType of a SHA512 context
 CSPIConfigDriver configuration structure
 CSPIDriverStructure representing an SPI driver
 Cthreads_queue_tType of a thread queue
 CUARTConfigDriver configuration structure
 CUARTDriverStructure representing an UART driver
 Cunpacked_mmc_cid_tUnpacked CID register from MMC
 Cunpacked_mmc_csd_tUnpacked CSD register from MMC
 Cunpacked_sdc_cid_tUnpacked CID register from SDC
 Cunpacked_sdc_csd_10_tUnpacked CSD v1.0 register from SDC
 Cunpacked_sdc_csd_20_tUnpacked CSD v2.0 register from SDC
 CUSBConfigType of an USB driver configuration structure
 CUSBDescriptorType of an USB descriptor
 CUSBDriverStructure representing an USB driver
 CUSBEndpointConfigType of an USB endpoint configuration structure
 CUSBInEndpointStateType of an IN endpoint state structure
 CUSBOutEndpointStateType of an OUT endpoint state structure
 CWDGConfigDriver configuration structure
 CWDGDriverStructure representing an WDG driver