ChibiOS/HAL  6.1.0
osal.h File Reference

OSAL module header. More...

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  event_source
 Events source object. More...
struct  threads_queue_t
 Type of a thread queue. More...


 Enables OSAL assertions. More...
 Enables OSAL functions parameters checks. More...
Common constants
#define FALSE   0
#define TRUE   1
#define OSAL_SUCCESS   false
#define OSAL_FAILED   true
#define MSG_OK   (msg_t)0
#define MSG_TIMEOUT   (msg_t)-1
#define MSG_RESET   (msg_t)-2
Special time constants
#define TIME_IMMEDIATE   ((sysinterval_t)0)
#define TIME_INFINITE   ((sysinterval_t)-1)
Systick modes.
#define OSAL_ST_MODE_NONE   0
Systick parameters.
 Size in bits of the systick_t type. More...
#define OSAL_ST_FREQUENCY   1000
 Required systick frequency or resolution. More...
 Systick mode required by the underlying OS. More...
IRQ-related constants
 Total priority levels. More...
 Highest IRQ priority for HAL drivers. More...
Debug related macros
#define osalDbgAssert(c, remark)
 Condition assertion. More...
#define osalDbgCheck(c)
 Function parameters check. More...
#define osalDbgCheckClassI()
 I-Class state check. More...
#define osalDbgCheckClassS()
 S-Class state check. More...
IRQ service routines wrappers
 Priority level verification macro. More...
 IRQ prologue code. More...
 IRQ epilogue code. More...
#define OSAL_IRQ_HANDLER(id)   void id(void)
 IRQ handler function declaration. More...
Time conversion utilities
#define OSAL_S2I(secs)   ((sysinterval_t)((uint32_t)(secs) * (uint32_t)OSAL_ST_FREQUENCY))
 Seconds to system ticks. More...
#define OSAL_MS2I(msecs)
 Milliseconds to system ticks. More...
#define OSAL_US2I(usecs)
 Microseconds to system ticks. More...
Time conversion utilities for the realtime counter
#define OSAL_S2RTC(freq, sec)   ((freq) * (sec))
 Seconds to realtime counter. More...
#define OSAL_MS2RTC(freq, msec)   (rtcnt_t)((((freq) + 999UL) / 1000UL) * (msec))
 Milliseconds to realtime counter. More...
#define OSAL_US2RTC(freq, usec)   (rtcnt_t)((((freq) + 999999UL) / 1000000UL) * (usec))
 Microseconds to realtime counter. More...
Sleep macros using absolute time
#define osalThreadSleepSeconds(secs)   osalThreadSleep(OSAL_S2I(secs))
 Delays the invoking thread for the specified number of seconds. More...
#define osalThreadSleepMilliseconds(msecs)   osalThreadSleep(OSAL_MS2I(msecs))
 Delays the invoking thread for the specified number of milliseconds. More...
#define osalThreadSleepMicroseconds(usecs)   osalThreadSleep(OSAL_US2I(usecs))
 Delays the invoking thread for the specified number of microseconds. More...


typedef uint32_t syssts_t
 Type of a system status word. More...
typedef int32_t msg_t
 Type of a message. More...
typedef uint32_t systime_t
 Type of system time counter. More...
typedef uint32_t sysinterval_t
 Type of system time interval. More...
typedef uint32_t rtcnt_t
 Type of realtime counter. More...
typedef void * thread_reference_t
 Type of a thread reference. More...
typedef uint32_t eventflags_t
 Type of an event flags mask. More...
typedef struct event_source event_source_t
 Type of an event flags object. More...
typedef void(* eventcallback_t) (event_source_t *esp)
 Type of an event source callback. More...
typedef uint32_t mutex_t
 Type of a mutex. More...


void osalInit (void)
 OSAL module initialization. More...
void osalSysHalt (const char *reason)
 System halt with error message. More...
void osalSysPolledDelayX (rtcnt_t cycles)
 Polled delay. More...
void osalOsTimerHandlerI (void)
 System timer handler. More...
void osalOsRescheduleS (void)
 Checks if a reschedule is required and performs it. More...
systime_t osalOsGetSystemTimeX (void)
 Current system time. More...
void osalThreadSleepS (sysinterval_t time)
 Suspends the invoking thread for the specified time. More...
void osalThreadSleep (sysinterval_t time)
 Suspends the invoking thread for the specified time. More...
msg_t osalThreadSuspendS (thread_reference_t *trp)
 Sends the current thread sleeping and sets a reference variable. More...
msg_t osalThreadSuspendTimeoutS (thread_reference_t *trp, sysinterval_t timeout)
 Sends the current thread sleeping and sets a reference variable. More...
void osalThreadResumeI (thread_reference_t *trp, msg_t msg)
 Wakes up a thread waiting on a thread reference object. More...
void osalThreadResumeS (thread_reference_t *trp, msg_t msg)
 Wakes up a thread waiting on a thread reference object. More...
msg_t osalThreadEnqueueTimeoutS (threads_queue_t *tqp, sysinterval_t timeout)
 Enqueues the caller thread. More...
void osalThreadDequeueNextI (threads_queue_t *tqp, msg_t msg)
 Dequeues and wakes up one thread from the queue, if any. More...
void osalThreadDequeueAllI (threads_queue_t *tqp, msg_t msg)
 Dequeues and wakes up all threads from the queue. More...
void osalEventBroadcastFlagsI (event_source_t *esp, eventflags_t flags)
 Add flags to an event source object. More...
void osalEventBroadcastFlags (event_source_t *esp, eventflags_t flags)
 Add flags to an event source object. More...
void osalEventSetCallback (event_source_t *esp, eventcallback_t cb, void *param)
 Event callback setup. More...
void osalMutexLock (mutex_t *mp)
 Locks the specified mutex. More...
void osalMutexUnlock (mutex_t *mp)
 Unlocks the specified mutex. More...
static void osalSysDisable (void)
 Disables interrupts globally. More...
static void osalSysEnable (void)
 Enables interrupts globally. More...
static void osalSysLock (void)
 Enters a critical zone from thread context. More...
static void osalSysUnlock (void)
 Leaves a critical zone from thread context. More...
static void osalSysLockFromISR (void)
 Enters a critical zone from ISR context. More...
static void osalSysUnlockFromISR (void)
 Leaves a critical zone from ISR context. More...
static syssts_t osalSysGetStatusAndLockX (void)
 Returns the execution status and enters a critical zone. More...
static void osalSysRestoreStatusX (syssts_t sts)
 Restores the specified execution status and leaves a critical zone. More...
static systime_t osalTimeAddX (systime_t systime, sysinterval_t interval)
 Adds an interval to a system time returning a system time. More...
static sysinterval_t osalTimeDiffX (systime_t start, systime_t end)
 Subtracts two system times returning an interval. More...
static bool osalTimeIsInRangeX (systime_t time, systime_t start, systime_t end)
 Checks if the specified time is within the specified time window. More...
static void osalThreadQueueObjectInit (threads_queue_t *tqp)
 Initializes a threads queue object. More...
static void osalEventObjectInit (event_source_t *esp)
 Initializes an event source object. More...
static void osalMutexObjectInit (mutex_t *mp)
 Initializes s mutex_t object. More...


const char * osal_halt_msg
 Pointer to a halt error message. More...

Detailed Description

OSAL module header.

Definition in file osal.h.