27 #if (HAL_USE_CAN == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) 40 #if (PLATFORM_CAN_USE_CAN1 == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) 67 #if PLATFORM_CAN_USE_CAN1 == TRUE 84 #if PLATFORM_CAN_USE_CAN1 == TRUE 107 #if PLATFORM_CAN_USE_CAN1 == TRUE 108 if (&CAND1 == canp) {
212 #if (CAN_USE_SLEEP_MODE == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) uint32_t canmbx_t
Type of a transmission mailbox index.
void can_lld_transmit(CANDriver *canp, canmbx_t mailbox, const CANTxFrame *ctfp)
Inserts a frame into the transmit queue.
void can_lld_stop(CANDriver *canp)
Deactivates the CAN peripheral.
canstate_t state
Driver state.
Structure representing an CAN driver.
void can_lld_wakeup(CANDriver *canp)
Enforces leaving the sleep mode.
CAN1 driver identifier.
void can_lld_receive(CANDriver *canp, canmbx_t mailbox, CANRxFrame *crfp)
Receives a frame from the input queue.
void canObjectInit(CANDriver *canp)
Initializes the standard part of a CANDriver structure.
void can_lld_sleep(CANDriver *canp)
Enters the sleep mode.
bool can_lld_is_rx_nonempty(CANDriver *canp, canmbx_t mailbox)
Determines whether a frame has been received.
void can_lld_start(CANDriver *canp)
Configures and activates the CAN peripheral.
bool can_lld_is_tx_empty(CANDriver *canp, canmbx_t mailbox)
Determines whether a frame can be transmitted.
void can_lld_init(void)
Low level CAN driver initialization.
Special mailbox identifier.